Ballot Question
Amendment 14-Prohibited Methods Of Taking Wildlife
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning prohibited methods of taking wildlife, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting the use of leghold traps, instant kill body-gripping design traps, poisons, or snares; providing an exception for the use of such methods by certain governmental entities for the purpose of protecting human health or safety or managing fish or other non-mammalian wildlife; providing an exception for the use of such methods to control birds or to control rodents other than beaver and muskrat, as otherwise authorized by law; providing an exception for the use of such methods on private property, under certain conditions, to reduce damage to crops or livestock; providing an exception for the use of certain non-lethal snares, traps, or nets to take wildlife for purposes of scientific research, falconry, relocation, or medical treatment under rules of the Colorado Wildlife Commission; providing that the measure shall not apply to the taking of wildlife with firearms, fishing equipment, archery equipment, or other implements in hand as authorized by law; incorporating the current statutory definitions of the terms "taking" and "wildlife"; and requiring the general assembly to enact implementing legislation by May 1, 1997?